Tuesday, February 23, 2010


First I really need to thank my friends for inspiring me to do a blog. Let's hope I can keep it updated regularly.
As you all may know I am a stay at home mom, one of the duties is making a home cooked meal every night for my family. I've learned A LOT from this easy (it's easy once you get into a groove)
task. For instance: When a recipe says to not "over mix", DO NOT over mix! If the ingredients are listed in a specific order, there's a reason for it. Also, Cassi and I learned this weekend, if it calls for the dish to cool in the fridge for an allotted time, cool it for that time!
Lastly, most of my dishes are created not too far from Betty Crocker or the Latham Family Cookbook that you get when you married. I love a recipe and a cookbook. Don't be afraid to use them!
Happy cooking! Hopefully I can give you all some wonderful dinner ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, welcome to the blogging world, Katie! I can't wait to follow your journey and steal your recipes!! :)
